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  • gilwilson 3:57 PM on December 11, 2010 Permalink | Reply
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    “Tomb of the Ten Thousand Dead” by L. Ron Hubbard 

    “Tomb of the Ten Thousand Dead”
    by L. Ron Hubbard
    Multi-cast performance
    produced by Galaxy Audio
    approx 2 hours

    It’s time once again to go on a far flung adventure with L. Ron Hubbard and stories from the Golden Age.  In the middle of the 20th century Hubbard wrote numerous stories that were published in the various pulp fiction magazines of the time.  He wrote science-fiction, fantasy, westerns, war stories and sea & air adventures, and adventures from afar.  This time around Galaxy Audio/Galaxy Press have put together their own Hubbard pulp fiction/audio pulp fiction that covers the world from the Arabian sea to Russia to the West Indies.

    As with any well written story these stories will sweep you away and take you to these lands and leave you on the edge of your seat the whole way.  This is especially true if you give the audiobooks a listen.  The audiobooks are produced with excellent voice acting consisting of a great cast of voices, great sound effects that will create the theatre of the mind that was well known to those that listened to the old radio shows that used to be broadcast around the same time these stories were originally published, and the incidental music really gives you a feeling that you are on these journeys around the world.

    This publishing contains three short stories;

    “Tomb of the Ten Thousand Dead,” originally published in October, 1936 tells of a search for the lost treasures of Baluchistan, an arid mountain region now part of Pakistan bordering the Arabian Sea, which leads to an ancient tomb, murder, and the obliteration of an entire expedition. Told in the first person by the pilot of the expedition, Captain Gordon,  the only man to escape alive.

    Gordon is hired to fly a team of American anthropologists to the area and all goes well until an ancient map is discovered in an old pottery jar, revealing the site of a vast treasure that Alexander the Great was bringing to Greece from his conquest of India. At this point Gordon is discovered over the body of one of the anthropologists who has just been murdered.  Gordon is not trusted by the leaders of the expedition and is forced to stay behind with the local guide while the rest follow the map.  Gordon and the guide find the tomb where more than 10,000 of Alexander’s soldiers and camp followers lay buried in the high desert plains along with the loot of India—hidden in a tomb never to be reclaimed.  Gordon must then fight for his life to escape with or without the treasure.

    “The Price of a Hat,” originally published March, 1936 tells of a A fur hat, a Kubanka, with a secret message stitched into its hatband costs the lives of six men in a belated effort to save the lives of Nicholas II, the last Russian Czar, and his family.

    “Starch and Stripes,” originally published January, 1936 is a story that has a bit of humor at the expense of the Marine Corps brass.  A marine captain is trying to ensnare a dangerous rebel leader,  but just when the Marines are closing in on the villain, top brass and U.S. senators decide to inspect the base and decide on future funding for the marines.

    Some great adventures to be had in this release from Galaxy Press.

  • gilwilson 2:56 AM on April 30, 2010 Permalink | Reply
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    “The Warrior” A short story by Jim Butcher in the collection “Mean Streets” 

    “The Warrior”
    A short story by Jim Butcher
    in the collection “Mean Streets”
    Multiple Authors
    Multiple readers
    Produced by Recorded Books
    approx 2 hours (for this story)

    I am getting ready to listen to the latest novel about Harry Dresden by Jim Butcher, “Changes” but I had downloaded and put on my iPod this story that occurs earlier in the timeline of the Dresden Files.  So, I’m listening to this one first.  The entire collection runs about 10 hours in audiobook form and I am continuing with the rest of the book, but I had to stop and let you know about this story.

    Before we go further let me tell you about the book “Mean Streets.”  This collection of original novellas tied to popular crime/fantasy series which include; Thomas E. Sniegoski’s “Noah’s Orphans,” angel PI Remy Chandler must solve the murder of the biblical Arks builder, whose battered corpse is found on an abandoned oil rig. Simon R. Green writes with a slight humor that is similar to that by Jim Butcher in “The Difference a Day Makes,” in which PI John Taylor assists a woman who wandered into the the “nightside” a world hidden within London, and another noir type story by Kat Richardson’  “The Third Death of the Little Clay Dog” neatly merges noir conventions with a fantastical plot.  I’ll let you know how those go when I finish the entire collection.

    “The Warrior” by Jim Butcher Reveals what happens to the Carpenter family after the events of Small Favor, this story takes place between Small Favor and Turn Coat.

    Michael Carpenter, a former Knight of the Cross has turned in his sword, Amoracchius.  The weird part is that an Archangel has decided that Harry Dresden, wizard and non-religious, hold the sword until it’s new rightful bearer can be find.  Harry, from a previous battle, after the death of another Knight of the Cross, Shiro Yoshimo, has possession of another sword, Fidelacchius.  Many in the church cannot accept the fact that Harry, an non-believer, has possession of 2 of the 3 swords.

    In this story someone is sending Harry photos of the now retired and recovering Michael Carpenter.  Harry assuming that Michael is in danger, goes to the Carpenter home and tries to warn him.  On the way Harry saves a little girl from being run over by a car.  At first this may just seem like a simple piece of the story, maybe more of a filler, but at the end that action makes the world a better place.  That’s the way Harry rolls.

    Upon arrival at the Carpenter house, Harry explains the photos and concerned the Carpenters have Harry spend the night for safety’s sake.  During the night someone tries to steal the swords, luckily Harry expected this and had fakes in plain sight while the real swords were hidden.  On chasing down the thief, harry discovers the man is military trained and protected to an extent against magic.

    Harry and Michael track down who is trying to steal the swords and along the way Harry learns about faith and goodwill.  Great short story here in the world of the better wizard named Harry.  Now to finish this book and get on with “Changes.”

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