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  • gilwilson 2:09 AM on January 2, 2010 Permalink | Reply
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    “Dead to the World” Southern Vampire Mysteries, Book 4 by Charlaine Harris 

    “Dead to the World”
    Southern Vampire Mysteries, Book 4
    by Charlaine Harris
    published by Ace, 2004

    Continuing in the world of the Southern Vampires and the supernatural events in the life of Sookie Stackhouse, here’s book 4, “Dead to the World.”  This book for me marked a bit of a milestone in the Charlaine Harris creations.  This milestone is that this is the book that becomes more like the world of my favorite author, Jim Butcher.  After all it was Jim Butcher that got me interested in the Charlaine Harris books.

    What I mean by this is that when Jim Butcher writes his Harry Dresden novels he combines as many creatures as possible in his tales of the supernatural.  Which makes sense, really, because if there is one creature in the supernatural world there has to be more.  Charlaine Harris started this series of books with vampires and some hinting toward shape-shifters.  By the 3rd book she had vampires, menads, shape-shifters and werewolves.   In this 4th book she introduces the reader to witches, Wiccans and fairies.  Thus creating a fun read in the supernatural world, and not just a romance series involving vampires.  I will admit there were times in this book where I let out a displeasing sigh when the romance novel would burst out of the pages.  But, Ms. Harris knew to keep that as a minor point and to move on with some great supernatural horror and adventure, oh, and some really funny dialogue.  You gotta have your comic relief.

    The stories are all told by the main character Sookie Stackhouse, a bar-maid in Bon Temps, Louisiana with the gift of telepathy.  In this installment (which takes place just weeks after the previous book, “Club Dead”) Sookie is ready for the New Year and her resolution is to not get beat up, a resolution that seems to be hard to keep when you run around with vampires and werewolves.

    After leaving Merlotte’s, the bar in which Sookie works for Sam the shape-shifter, Sookie sees a nearly naked man running in the cold night.   From there things just get weirder.  She stops to help the man.  The nearly naked man turns out to be Eric Northman, the vampire sheriff for that area of Louisiana.  The problem is that Eric does not know who Sookie is and worse yet he doesn’t know who he is.

    As the story unfolds it is discovered a coven of witches have moved into Shreveport, where Eric maintains his area from a bar called Fangtasia.  By the way, the vampires are the only supernatural creature that, in the world created by Charlaine Harris, have made themselves known to the world.  Vampire rights are an issue in this world.  Fangtasia is mainly a “tourist” bar where normal people can come to stare at vampires while the vampires sip on “True Blood,” the synthetic alternative to human blood.

    Eric refuses the witches and they curse him.  This curse sends him to Bon Temps without his memory.  Sookie gets help from her brother, Jason, sending him to buy clothes and “True Blood” for Eric.  Eric’s second in command Pam, meanwhile tries to locate the witches so that the vamps can retaliate.

    To add woe to Sookie’s now Eric-babysitting service, Jason comes up missing.  Thinking the witches may have kidnapped him so Sookie will reveal where she is hiding Eric, Sookie joins the retaliation by helping to recruit the werewolves of Shreveport and the Wiccans of Bon Temps.

    In what turns out to be an explosive battle against this dark witch coven by Wiccans, werewolves and vampires, Charlaine Harris has written in an adrenaline fueled thriller with some great humorous moments.

    These books just keep getting better.

  • gilwilson 9:08 PM on December 26, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , club dead, , , , , , , shapeshifters, , , , , , ,   

    “Club Dead” (Southern Vampire Mysteries, Book 3) by Charlaine Harris 

    “Club Dead”
    (Southern Vampire Mysteries, Book 3)
    by Charlaine Harris
    Published by Ace Books, 2003

    So are you a fan of HBO’s “True Blood,” yet?  HBO has adapted the first two novels in the Southern Vampire Mysteries series by Charlaine Harris, and if they stay true to form then the next season should cover the events from this book, “Club Dead.”  If so we should have some fun with werewolves and shapeshifters on the series, so be prepared.

    I actually started reading this series after I read a short storie in the book of “My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding.”  I picked up that book because it contained a Jim Butcher story revolving around his Harry Dresden wizard character.  I read the Charlaine Harris story based on the world of the Sookie Stackhouse vampires and found the writing to be very fun.  So I gave the first book a chance.  A few months after I read that first book I found out HBO was doing a series based on the book and felt that synchronicity had hit with my reading again.  That and the books are a fun romp in the supernatural world of vampires, shapeshifters and the occasional werewolf.  I will warn you this is another vampire series where everyone wants to be in love with a vampire rather than staking their blood-sucking hearts, but some get staked and as a narrator of her life in the world where vampires have “come out of the coffin,” Sookie Stackhouse has a fun way of looking at life with the undead.

    In this book Sookie’s vampire boyfriend, Bill, has been acting secretively, and is on a mission for the Queen of Louisiana Vampires.  Yes the vamps have queens and kings for each state, also within each state there is a region that is ruled by a sheriff.  The sheriff for the region of Louisiana in which Sookie lives (Bon Temps) is Eric Northman a large viking vampire.  Bill is supposed to work for Eric and the queen goes through Eric, except this time the mission Bill is on Eric does not know about.  Before Bill leaves on this mission, he tells Sookie that if he does not return after a set time she is to look on his computer and share the information found there.

    A couple of days later Sookie is attacked by a werewolf outside Merlotte’s, the bar where she works, but Bubba the vampire is there to kill the werewolf.  Bubba has got to be one of the funniest minor characters created in this vampire series, you see, Bubba is Elvis Presley, yes the King himself.  It seems the coroner on duty when Elvis died was a vamp and a huge fan.  The problem is that due to the inexperience of the vamp, the drugs coursing through the King’s body and the dead too long aspect some problems occurred in the turning of Elvis/Bubba.  Those problems are that Elvis doesn’t really remember who he was and he’s a bit dimwitted.  So the Louisiana vampires now use Bubba as an errand boy and try to keep him out of the public eye and clear of any household pets as he likes to drink the animals’ blood (cats being a particular favorite). Bubba is always cheerful, goodwill radiating from his fearsome smile. And will only sing when he feels like it. Sookie says that “though every now and then, he exhibited a streak of shrewdness” he follows directions quite literally.

    Sookie then learns that the werewolf was sent to find her because Bill is being held captive and being tortured for some information.  Sookie was supposed to have been captured to provide extra leverage in Bill’s torture, but the only thing they knew about her was that she lived in Bon Temps, Bill had not given up any information under torture.

    Eric then enlists Sookie and her talents to find Bill. Sookie’s talents,  which I should mention at this time are that she is a telepath, she can hear people’s thoughts.  So undercover with a werewolf, Alcide Herveaux, Sookie goes to Jackson, Mississippi to find Bill.  Even though Eric has dropped the bombshell on her that Bill was planning on leaving Sookie to be with his former lover and maker, Lorena.

    In Jackson, Sookie and Alcide create sexual tension between themselves (yep another love interest for Sookie), visit a Supernatural creature bar where they meet a goblin, hide the body of a dead werewolf,  save a vampire from being staked by a religious fanatic, Rescue Bill and stake a vampire.  All in a week for Sookie Stackhouse.

    By the way, rumor has it that the guy who played Flash Thompson in the Spider-man movies, Joe Manganiello, will be portraying Alcide in the 3rd series of True Blood.

    So if you like the light-hearted, horror-tinged supernatural tales you really should check out this fun series.  Nothing serious here, just fun.

  • gilwilson 3:06 AM on October 6, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , living dead in dallas, , , shapeshifters, , , , , ,   

    Living Dead in Dallas Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire Mystery #2 By Charlaine Harris 

    livingdeadLiving Dead in Dallas
    Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire Mystery #2
    By Charlaine Harris
    read by Johanna Parker
    Published by Recorded Books
    Approx 8.5 hours

    Okay we have to wait for a few months before the return of the series “True Blood” on HBO and the return of Sookie Stackhouse, but during the interim I highly recommend picking up the books either regular or audio and enjoy the other storis in the Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire Mysteries.  I was told, due to my love of vampire and zombie stories, that I should check out the Sookie stories.   I then read a collection of short stories that had a story by Charlaine Harris that took place in the Sookie world but was Sookie-less and found the writing very entertaining.  By the way, the main reason I picked up the book was because it also featured a Harry Dresden story by my favorite author, Jim Butcher.  So, liking the storytelling and the humor in the short story, I tried out Ms. Harris’ novels.  I read the first book just as season one of “True Blood” was at midpoint.  After reading the book I had to check out the series and have been hooked on both ever since.

    The Sookie Stackhouse series tells of a romantic world where vampires have “come out of the coffin,” and are mainstreaming (trying to live alongside humans, rather than living ON humans).  With the invention of a synthetic blood, now available in six-packs, the vampires can live without killing, but not all vampires are mainstreaming.

    “Living Dead in Dallas”  pretty much covers what was in season two of the “True Blood” TV series.  I will tell you that the TV series took lots of poetic license and added things in here and there that kept to the main theme of this book but made for some more visually stimulating stories.  For example, Maenad, a female follower of Dionysus(I’ll explain more about the Maenad later) in the tv series pretty much took over Bon Temps, Sookie’s hometown, while she was away in Dallas, giving a bigger role to Michelle Forbes, who played Admiral Cain on Battlestar Galactica.  So that was okay.

    Okay let’s talk about this book. “Living Dead in Dallas” finds Sookie having to hold true to her word to help Eric and the vampires by using her “disability” or gift as the vampires call it, of being a telepath. Sookie can read thoughts and the vampires in Dallas have had one of their “nest mates” (vampires live in a nest within a city, you know) has gone missing.  Also the cook at the bar where Sookie works, Lafayette Reynolds, is found dead and his body in the back seat of Detective Andy Belfleur’s car.  Lafayette was a gay black man that had a lot against him, but he was a friend of Sookies and she wants to find his murderer, but before that can happen sookie and her boyfriend vampire Bill are sent to Dallas to help find the missing vampire.

    Before finding out her mission Bill and Sookie get into an argument and their car stops.  Sookie threatens to walk either home or to Fangtasia, the bar owned by Eric.  Bill goes to find a mechanic.  While bill is gone sookie is confronted by a Maenad.  Again Maenad’s are ancient beings, their name literally translates as “raving ones”. Often the maenads were portrayed as inspired by Dionysus, into a state of ecstatic frenzy, through a combination of dancing and drunken intoxication. In this state, they would lose all self-control, begin shouting excitedly, engage in uncontrolled sexual behavior, and ritualistically hunt down and tear animals (and sometimes men and children) to pieces, devouring the raw flesh.  So now that your Greek mythology is refreshed, this Maenad wants to send a message to Eric Northman, yes the same Vampire Eric Sookie is out to see.  The message comes in the form of a brutal attack on Sookie in which she is severely scratched and poisoned.  Eric gets Sookie treated by a mysterious dwarf doctor who heals Sookie, barely, and Sookie and Bill are sent to Dallas.  No rest or mercy when it comes to vampires.

    In Dallas, Sookie Discovers that the missing vampire was last seen in the company of an ancient teenage vampire right before he goes missing.  The young vampire turns out to be Godric an vampire that is wanting to “meet the dawn”, or rather die in the sun, suicide for a vampire, because Godric has a very evil past, he has feasted upon children during his long life.  Godric has turned himself in to a newly formed religious cult, “Fellowship of the Sun,” whose sole mission is to destroy all vampires.  Godric plans to sacrifice himself and the other vampire as the followers watch.  Sookie goes undercover into the church to rescue the vampires.

    When Sookie returns to Bon Temps, she continues to find Lafayette’s murderer and traces it back to a group of locals that have weekly orgies, and the Maenad makes her reappearance.

    During this story Sookie learns of more shapeshifters that are organized in Dallas and maybe a couple of real werewolves.

    Johanna Parker delivers this story in a perfect Sookie Stackhouse voice, I’m thinking Anna Paquin may have studied the audio books to prepare for her role.  The books are told in first person from Sookie’s point of view and not only have the adventure and thrills but some really southern fried humor.  Check them out while waiting for season three of “True Blood.”

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