Think and Grow Rich ‘Stickability’ The Power of Perseverance By: Greg S. Reid, The Napoleon Hill Foundation 

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The Power of Perseverance
By: Greg S. Reid, The Napoleon Hill Foundation
Narrated by: Joel Fotinos
Length: 4 hrs
Release date: 10-10-13
Publisher: Penguin Audio

Who doesn’t want to Grow Rich? Hey I think. Wait, what is Stickability? Well once again the Napoleon Hill Foundation has answers and more ways to better yourself. The gist of this book is take the principles of Think & Grow rich and make them stick.

Combining author Greg S. Reid’s modern business wisdom, interviews with numerous business celebrities like Steve Wozniak (co-founder of Apple), Frank Shankwitz (founder of the Make a Wish foundation), and Martin Cooper (inventor of the cell phone), and valuable information from the secret files previously available only to the Napoleon Hill Foundation and its members, this book reveals:

  • The “Three Causes of Failure” from Napoleon Hill’s hidden vault of wisdom
  • The importance of flexibility
  • The principle of relaxed intensity in action
  • How to define and conquer your “cul-de-sac” moments
  • How to overcome the ghost of fear
  • The importance of insight through necessity
  • And so much more!

If ever a discouraging moment arrives and the temptation to stop becomes greater than the dream, to keep one simple observation from Dr. Hill in mind: “Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step BEYOND their greatest setback and failure.”

I haven’t grown rich but I have definitely found ways to make this information stick with me and how to use it in my work environment and better myself in many ways.

Publisher’s Summary
You’ve learned the principles in Napoleon Hill’s classic Think and Grow Rich—now give them STICKABILITY!
The path to personal and professional success is not a one-way street. Most people encounter setbacks and obstacles that threaten to derail them from their chosen route. The most successful people, however, adhere to their principles and goals, capitalizing on hidden opportunities, even in the face of what many would consider unconquerable obstacles. To coin a new word – these people have STICKABILITY!
This thought-provoking book shows readers of all ages and backgrounds how they, too, can not only apply the self-motivation principles of Napoleon Hill’s timeless and groundbreaking self-help volume Think and Grow Rich, but make them stick. Combining author Greg S. Reid’s modern business wisdom, interviews with numerous business celebrities like Steve Wozniak (co-founder of Apple), Frank Shankwitz (founder of the Make a Wish foundation), and Martin Cooper (inventor of the cell phone), and valuable information from the secret files previously available only to the Napoleon Hill Foundation and its members.

©2013 Greg S. Reid and the Napoleon Hill Foundation (P)2013 Penguin Group